
Headshot of woman with short blond hair wearing blue shirt with white dotted pattern

Asta Vonderau

Asta Vonderau is Professor at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology and Director of the Centre of Interdisciplinary Regional Studies and Centre of Just Transition and Sustainability at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.

She leads the CityIndustries Research Network and is Principal Investigator at the Marie Cuirie Doctoral Network C-Urge: Anthropology of Global Climate Urgency. Her research focuses on social change related to processes of globalisation, Europeanisation, and post-Socialist transformation. More specifically, her research addresses the social and environmental effects of digitisation and (de-)industrialisation, local consequences of EU policy implementation processes, and the governance of resource and energy transition. Asta is the author of Leben im neuen Europa: Konsum, Lebensstile und Körpertechniken im Postsozialismus [Life in the ‘new Europe’: Consumption, lifestyles and body techniques in post socialism] (2010, Transcript); co-editor of The Nature of Data Centers (2019-18, Culture Machine), Formationen des Politischen: Anthropologie politischer Felder [Formation of the Political: Anthropology of Political Fields] (2014, Transcript), and Changing Economies, Changing Identities in Postsocialist Eastern Europe (2008, LIT); and co-author of Energy Futures (2023, De Gruyter); among other publications.

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