
Living capitalism and democracy after postsocialism

Field Reports

Emptiness as a border

Authors: Ivana Ljuština

Types: Concepts, Guest Contributions, History, Observations

Location: Bosnia, Croatia

Themes: Borders, Depopulation, Meaning, Migration, The Rural

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Noturēt Latgali vietā. Latgolys vaicuojums

Authors: Dace Dzenovska

Ņemot vērā pašreizējo ģeopolitisko situāciju, pastāv iespēja, ka Latgale kā teritorija militarizēsies. Šādā antiutopiskā scenārijā militarizētā Latgales teritorija kalpos kā mācību poligons. Sevišķi derīgi būs – jau ir – tukšojošies pilsētciemi, jo tie labi kalpo urbānās karadarbības simulācijai. Militarizētā teritorijā neviens nedzīvos, tajā uzturēsies īslaicīgi.


92-year old Milda lives in a village next to a former railway station in the Latvian-Russian borderlands. During the Soviet period, it was a vibrant transportation hub. Residents recall 'wagons of watermelons' that passed through and 'crowds of summer residents' that came from Leningrad. Things have changed since then. This European Research Council-funded project aims to find out what these changes mean for the people who are living them, and what they reveal about forms of capitalism and political authority in postsocialist spaces and beyond.

Collaborate with us

If you would like to find out more about the project or contribute a blog on a resonant aspect of your own research to the Field Reports section of our website, please get in touch by writing to emptiness@anthro.ox.ac.uk.