Alis Oancea
Alis is Professor of Philosophy of Education and Research Policy at the University of Oxford. She leads a programme of Research on Research, part of the Centre for Global Higher Education at the Oxford University Department of Education, and recently has been working with colleagues from India, Philippines, Romania, Moldova, Norway and Australia on several other projects. She has published on philosophy of research, education, cultural values, research policy and assessment, with particular interests in conceptions of quality, disciplinary dynamics and modes of research, open access, the influence of performative accountability regimes on individual researchers, institutions and research cultures, challenges and quandaries in ethical research, and professional knowledge. She is interested in exploring how small or isolated rural communities and individuals continue to live and become after permanent school closures, in order to understand and theorise the different senses of (educational) emptiness at play and their material, social and cultural entanglements. Books include Education for All, Causal and Teleological Explanation in Educational Research, and Assessing Quality in Applied and Practice-based Research. She is joint editor of the Oxford Review of Education.